Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Launching the School Year

Launching the 2019 - 2020 School Year 

 Some of us have been in the swing for a few weeks, and some of us are getting ready for opening day.  As I was reflecting on the magic that's happening at my school site right now, I thought I'd take a moment to share some of the big ideas that keep coming up for me.  So here's my first attempt at a "listicle," thanks to middle school teacher extraordinaire, Nupur Sethi, @nupurssethi for the idea!

I'd love to hear from other leaders and educators what you think contributes to a successful culture and environment.  What are the ingredients for your success?

Friday, August 2, 2019

Rethinking Monday Memos

Does writing the Monday (or Friday Memo) seem like a chore to anyone else?  Does anyone else struggle with getting people to read their Memos? I hear a lot of people offering candy or gift cards just to get staff to read their Monday Memos.  I don't know how I feel about that, if people aren't reading the memos, then why am I writing them?  For myself?  The memo needs to be useful, connected, and inspiring.

In the past three years, I've experimented with different formats, sending it in both digital and print form, and playing with giving or "re-presenting" information in a focused and digestible manner.

So, I decided to figure out how to make my Monday Memo more dynamic, more innovative.  A teacher suggested possibly doing a podcast.  I like that idea, but I personally like being able to focus my attention in the areas I want in the time I need, but the podcast, as far as I know doesn't allow for the listener to do that.  So, I think I'll save that suggestion for something else.  I decided to take to the internet to see what some of my fellow school leaders are doing with their Monday Memos.  I came across this blog http://principalj.blogspot.com/2011/12/leading-way-with-staff-memos.html
I'm excited by the idea of a blog for a Monday Memo!  Instead of sending a PDF, I send a link with the most recent post.  Teachers can have access to past blogs, calendars, links, etc.

For my Memo, I want to include a calendar widget that connects to our staff google calendar.  I love the "Great Things I Noticed" from PrincipalJ's blog, I called it "Inspiration/Kudos" in last year's Monday Memo.  I also plan on having a "Nuts & Bolts" section and an "Instructional Focus" section.  One thing that I struggle with is sharing the research and reflections I do as a result of listening to staff and observing what's going on with them.  I'd love to have a section sharing either my flipboard collections of research and/or my reflections as a response to that research.  In that same vein, my teachers are also doing their own research and reflections, it would be amazing to be able to share their insights as well.

I think the thing that also makes me excited about doing a blog for a Monday Memo is that it provides a convenient way to make the Memo reciprocal.  Teachers can comment on what is posted and connect to other comments made.  We are always struggling with time together on the job.  This is a way to use media to remedy that.

Does anyone else use a blog for a Monday Memo?  Would you be willing to share with me?  What are teacher thoughts on a blog as a memo? What other considerations should I make?

Graduation Speech 2020

I matter AND you matter Every year I write a speech for 8th grade graduation. This year, I decided to embrace vulnerability and share th...